30 Oct 2015

It's Halloween time!

Halloween's origins date back more than 2,000 years. On what we consider November 1, Europe's Celtic peoples celebrated their New Year's Day, called Samhain (SAH-win).
The night before Samhain—what we know as Halloween—spirits were thought to walk the Earth as they traveled to the afterlife. Fairies, demons, and other creatures were also said to be abroad.

Samhain was later transformed as Christian leaders co-opted pagan holidays. In the seventh century Pope Boniface IV decreed November 1 All Saints' Day, or All Hallows' Day. The night before Samhain continued to be observed with bonfires, costumes, and parades, though under a new name: All Hallows' Eve—later "Halloween."
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These videos showcase the history of Halloween. Below each video you can find the link to its transcript. Remember that this is listening practice, not a competition!! So, take your time and watch it as many times as you consider.

Click here if you want to get the transcript.

And this is another video about halloween history and customs by History Channel.

Click here if you want to get the transcript.

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