Exam practice

Remember: the more you practise, the more you will learn, and the more you learn, the easier the exam will be. Don't practise until you get it right, practise until you can't get it wrong. Good luck!

Progress test 1 

Progress test 2

Key Progress tests 1&2

Progress test 3 + key

Listening test 1 - exercise (+ key + audioscript) - audio

Listening test 2 - exercise (+ key + audioscript) - audio

Listening test 3 - exercise (+ key + audioscript) - audio


Multiple choice 

- Multiple choice 1 - collocations

- Multiple choice 2 - linking words

- Multiple choice 3 - phrasal verbs

- Multiple choice 4 - phrases

- Multiple choice 5 - synonyms

- KEY multiple choice 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Sentence transformation

- Sentence Transformation 1 - active/passive + key

- Sentence Transformation 2 - Comparatives / superlatives + key

- Sentence Transformation 3 - Direct and indirect speech + key

- Sentence Transformation 4 - Auxiliary verbs + key

- Sentence Transformation 5 - Conditionals + key

- Sentence Transformation 6 - Unreal past + key

- Sentence Transformation 7 - relatives + key

Open cloze

- A family argument

- Anna Mikova

- Call me mother

- Children and convenience foods


- Experts

Word formation

- Gestures

- How much are you worth?

- People of the forest

- Sharing

The Elephant Man


Sentence completion

- A Musician - Exercise - Key - Listening - (download as a ZIP file)

- Running the marathon - Exercise - Key - Listening - (download as a ZIP file)

- Music - Exercise - Key - Listening - (download as a ZIP file)

- Potholing - Exercise - Key - Listening - (download as a ZIP file)

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