9 Mar 2016

Sentence transformation

Transformation of a sentence means changing the form of a sentence without changing its meaning. The transformation can be done in a number of ways, which you find a headache. This kind of exercise tests vocabulary (idioms, phrasal verbs, set phrases...) as well as grammar (unreal past (conditionals and wishes), passives, reported speech, present perfect/ simple past, (past) modals, (not) as…..as, and so/ such).

There are some rules we all know such as not using more than five words, that the word given must be included with no changes at all or that the two sentences must mean exactly the same. But what about the vocabulary or the structure we must use? To help you f'ace them I've uploaded some documents with vocabulary to 'our filing cabinet' section. More documents will be uploaded soon. I hope you find them useful!

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