25 Nov 2015

Writing a letter of application

This is a kind reminder, you have homework, you have to write a letter of application (Unit 2). 

If you need some help, go to 'Writing' where you will find PDF documents with general especification and some models to give you ideas.  A letter of application is sometimes sent, rather than an application form or CV, in which case the letter should include the information you would put in a CV but presented in sentences and paragraphs. It is used to apply for a job. It’s your opportunity to say why you want the job and to present yourself as a candidate for the position in a way that impresses a prospective employer and makes you seem the perfect person for the job.

The key to how to write a letter/email whether it is informal, formal, personal or cover format is to communicate in the clearest way possible. To do it so, include all the points in the task, use appropriate openings and closings, organize your ideas in paragraphs, check punctuation and spelling, and use all that vocabulary and structures we have been learning. 

I'm sure you will do great!

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