28 Apr 2016

The passive with reporting verbs

In formal texts, such as newspapers, descriptions or scientific processes, when we want to talk about what is generally thought or said, we use passive structures with reporting verbs. It is also used when people gossip as it is not important who first said, but it's supposed to be in the mouth of many people. 

The construction is formed from:

Passive reporting verb + to + infinitive or perfect infinitive

He is considered to be a great piano player
(people consider him to be a great piano player)

He is believed to have reached Mountain Everest’s summit
(people believe he has reached Mountain Everest’s summit)

James is thought to have been at home that night
(They think that John was at home that night)

He was proved to have murdered his wife
(someone proved he had murdered his wife)

Or we can also use impersonal expressions, such as: 

  • it is believed
  • it may be considered
  • it was said
  • it is known
  • it is thought
  • it was expected

It is believed that Leif Eriksson reached America before Columbus
Leif Eriksson is believed to have reached America before Columbus

 It is known that Smith broke into several houses.
Smith is known to have broken into several houses.

It is often considered that women are more sensitive than men.
Women are often considered more sensitive than men.

Go to 'Grammar' to download the entry as a document.


22 Apr 2016

Earth Day

Earth Day is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment. It was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in held on April 22, 1970. Earth Day is celebrated in spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. Earth Day Network, a group that wishes to become the coordinator of Earth Day globally, asserts that Earth Day is now observed on April 22 on virtually every country on Earth. World Environment Day, celebrated on June 5 in a different nation every year, is the principal United Nations environmental observance.Many communities also celebrate Earth Week, an entire week of environment-related activities.



WHAT CAN WE DO TO HELP SAVE THE PLANET? Let us know about your ideas!!!

15 Apr 2016

Writing a letter of complaint

This is a kind reminder, you have homework, you have to write a letter of complaint.

Remember that a letter of complaint is usually written in a semi-formal style. The main purpose is to deal with a problem situation when other attempts (i.e. phone contacts) have failed to rectify the situation. The complaint letter formalizes a problem situation by putting it into writing and is usually the last resort to try to get a situation resolved. 

Effective complaint letters should be: 

•    Concise - can be understood quickly.
•    Authoritative - are well written and professionally presented
•    Factual - enable the reader to see immediately the relevant details, dates, requirements
•    Constructive - with positive statements, suggesting positive actions - encourage action and quicker decisions.
•    Friendly - with a considerate, cooperative and complimentary tone because the reader responds positively to the writer and wants to help.

Go to 'Writing' where you will find PDF documents with general especification and some models to give you ideas as well as the task.

14 Apr 2016

Let's keep it green

Kiran, our language assistant was with us on Wednesday and we talked about environment. Now I ask you: Are you environmentally friendly? Would you like to live in a greener world? Is this what you want?

Exahust fumes, dumping waste, global warming, oil slicks, greenhouse effect, toxic effluents, sea level raising... Is there anything we could do to help the earth breath? Worried about your impact on the environment? The way we use the planet's resources makes up our ecological footprint. Why don't you calculate yours?

The planet seems not to be on a very good shape, and it really needs your help, how can you help protect it from the things that are not good for it? Click on the image below and find out by yourself.

And now, after all the journey, what can you do to help protect the earth? Let us know!

12 Apr 2016

Itchy feet


Go to these links and do the exercises to reinforce your vocabulary about travelling and tourism.

related to means of transport

travel related vocabulary

travelling, planning a trip

tourism related vocabulary

more tourism related vocabulary

travel related terms and expressions

And if you go to 'Our filing cabinet' you can download a document with travel related vocabulary


These are two videos from National Geographic. Go to Listening to do the exercises. Enjoy!

Destination: Ireland



6 Apr 2016

The Future

As you well know the future can be expressed in many different ways, go to 'Grammar' to print or download the document with the explanations we saw in class.